Our story.

With help from our friends...
With help from our friends at Warsaw Presbyterian Church and Foundation Church of Elizabethtown NC, Hope For Warsaw began simply as a contemporary worship service. Desiring to see our community transformed by God and His love for people, our founding members' partnership birthed a church committed to people and service. We fully believe that the events that led up to the establishment of Hope For Warsaw as its own entity were completely orchestrated and solely for the glory of God.
Now autonomous, Hope For Warsaw is continuing to pursue God and His plan for the people of Warsaw. We believe our mission field is our own backyard - our neighbors. You will often find us out and about in the community in our bright red shirts, because we believe church is the body, not the building.
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring glory unto God by making disciples and loving our neighbors as ourselves. We desire to be the hands and feet of God and to allow Him to use us as instruments in His divine plan.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see the town of Warsaw and the surrounding communities revolutionized by the Word of God. It is our hope that each and every community member have access to The Gospel and through the spreading of Jesus' message, that no man be able to deny the love Christ has for us.
What we believe.

We believe that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and The End. We believe that God created Heaven and Earth and all that exists. We also believe that you were created on purpose and for a purpose, perfectly. | Genesis 1:1-2:25, Ephesians 2:10
The Trinity​
The God we serve is so awesome that He Himself made a perfect plan to send his Son, Jesus, to live a blameless life and die for our sins, and then for The Holy Spirit to reside within us until the day of His return. | 2 Corinthians 13:14
Jesus' Message​
Jesus was born fully human and fully God. He was raised by a young, poor couple and faced hardships throughout His life, but He was perfect and blameless. Jesus taught with the way that He loved and interacted with others, especially His disciples (close students). When the time was perfect, Jesus was crucified - the worst death a man could endure at the time - all so that you could have eternal life. | Mark 10:45
Go & Tell​
After Jesus was crucified, He arose from the grave. He came back and told His followers to go out into the world and continue the work that He had started. He commissioned them to continue to spread the great news that there is life after death and hope of a future for those that love Him! | Matthew 28:19
In His perfect plan, God created a way for those that love Him and live in accordance to His Word to have everlasting life. This life is short and filled with difficulties, but eternity is goodness beyond what we can fathom. | John 3:16​